Today I joined the system, as some like to call it; today I had my first official day at work. I will be working on HR a company in Tg.Mures. It was really nice "first day", it was a day that made me realize how time goes by and our lives change.
It’s strange how we like to play when we are little, how we like to pretend we are adults and we have different jobs but when we are adults we would like to be again kids and play, have no responsibilities and just live the days as they come, never worrying about the future because our parents are there.
Unfortunately or maybe luckily we can not turn back time we can just enjoy the present and plan the future. Now we can take our own decisions and work hard to reach our objectives.
As many others colleagues and friends I started a new beginning, hopefully a really nice one because I like the things that I will do (as far as I had the chance to analyze my job description).
Wishing all my friends great “beginnings”