I am a little bit disappointed of the people around me, of the people I work with. It seams that my system of values is totally different than the one people around me have.
Now at work I see also the not so bright side. People are not so interested in the growth of the company; don’t put passion in their work. They just come to work, do their job and then go home; they are not interested how the company they work in is positioned on the market. I have the feeling people come to work, just to have a job and earn some money. In rest no interest in personal or professional development. Some will probably even ask “What’s that?”. I am a little bit disappointed to see that people like the routine, do their job but don’t care if things are not done on time. An old saying says “Don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today”; well some don’t leave for tomorrow but for the day after tomorrow. And it’s sad to see that. Of course there are also exceptions, people that work hard, put passion and care about others and about the growth of the company. I admire these people and they are really some role models for me.
I wonder how are things in other companies.
Anyway 'till I'll found out on my own hope I won’t loose my passion for the things I like.