Then it was NPS, the national conference. Since I've joined AIESEC I wanted to attend this conference and this year more because it was so close. But things don't go exactly as we plann and I couldn't go. Some decisions are not always up to us. I managed to go for just one day, to pay them a visit, but this day was a memorable one, the day when our LC was rewarded for Most Progressive LC.
It was a great evening, I fell great just thinking about it, thinking about the moment when we were holding our hands and waiting for the announcement, thinking about the moment when we were in front and 500 people were looking at us, thinking about the delegation meeting when we are all happy and we were sharing our impressions, thinking about our work in the last year and about all the moments I had in AIESEC.

Coming home we had some interesting projects in the LC, that I really liked. I fellt great to see the new members working at the projects, in order for everything to be right. I remembered the moment I've joined @ and the my first project, when I was just like them, excited because I have tasks and stressed because I wanted everything to be perfect.
Beside AIESEC in this months I've meet some great people, with whom I have a lot of things in common. I managed to make some free time to go out with them and share my feelings, receive advices.
Because the new year is coming I am analysing my last year and I am trying to plan some things for the future. The are many things that are going to happen next year and I have to decide which opportunities I would take, where I would feel more confortable and what are the best things for me. I know we don't have full control on our lives and anything can happen but I want to take some decisions. Hope they would be the good ones.
Thinking about the future
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