Friday, September 05, 2008

Good to great

I have started to read at work a book, called “Good to great”, about growth. Even if I didn’t have time to read many pages from it, the title made me think about my development, about my growth, about my way to becoming from good GREAT both in my personal and professional life. Today I was reading a post on Romeo’s blog about who helps you in life and I remembered all the persons that had an impact in my life, all the persons that contributed to the person I am today.

I am really thankful to these persons because they helped me a lot, they helped me grow, showed me a better world, empowered me.

So… thank you

Mom, dad, grandparents for your love

Mona for showing me a great way that changed my life forever

Brian for showing me how great life can be when you are on the right path

Alin for challenging me to take opportunities and face my fears

EB 05-06 for great moments (Sanda for being there to talk to at any hour; Radu for making me laugh; Dragos for making me see the whole picture when if comes to do something; Suciulica for listening to me when I was complaining)

EB 06-07 for even greater moments, for great result (Bori for making me smile; Emese for making me see the bright side of things; Marius for being a good leader and offering me trust and support; Romeo for making me see how important people are and how important is to fight for what you want; Roxy for being my best friend, always there for me, to listen, to offer an advice)

Andreea for being such a great friend

Cristina for encouraging me never to give up and fight for what is truly important, for following my passion

Erika for continuing my dream

and the list could go on and on

Thank you all for all these things and for much more.

Thank you for helping me getting closer to the mountain top.


Anonymous said...


BTW. are you coming to RTS?
Maybe we will meet there, because I'm planning to go there.

H said...
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Hermy said...

I'm planning also to go there :))
hope to see u there