Lately I was feeling sad and frustrated because many things in my life are not the way I expected. I was disappointed to see that my dreams don’t come true (maybe it’s not the time or maybe they just won’t happen). All these things made me feel bad.
On Sunday I took the decisions to do something about this. There are many things I can not change but there one thing that I can do. STOP thinking just about the bad things in my life (which in the end they might not be that bad – If I analyze them more in details) and START taking the good side of things. DO at least one good thing for others EVERY DAY.
On Sunday I took the decisions to do something about this. There are many things I can not change but there one thing that I can do. STOP thinking just about the bad things in my life (which in the end they might not be that bad – If I analyze them more in details) and START taking the good side of things. DO at least one good thing for others EVERY DAY.
At the end of day I want to think just about the things that made me smile, just about the moments when I was happy (even if it was just for while), to see the full side of the glass.

1 comment:
Am vazut un documentar care descria "Legea Atractiei", ca lege fundamentala a Universului. Se aplica atat intre corpuri (planete, etc)dar mai ales la nivel mental. Daca o sa gandesti pozitiv o sa atragi situatii pozitive, daca o sa gandesti negativ o sa atragi doar lucruri negative. Asa ca "take the best side!" si "only good thing will hapend".
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