Thursday, December 31, 2009

Good or’s the end

It’s the end of 2009. I don’t have a word to define how it was. There were a lot of things that happened this year, some were good, others not the way I expected.

At the end of the last year I made a “I wish...” list. For a few months I forgot about it, but one day I found it and I was surprised to see that some of the things written there really happened; others are still wishes that maybe one day will come true (I can not influence some of I’ll just have to wait and pray). Anyway I don’t want to be sad about the things that did not happen and I want to look at all the good moments and take this memories with me in the next year.

2009 was the year when:

- I graduated master and my second university (no more school for me :)

- I joined the HR Club from Mures

- I was elected G12 in Cristina’s group

- I visited Erika in Budapest (I really like this city – I never walked so much in 2 days)

- I attended 2 LPMs of AIESEC Tg.Mures

- I reconnected with some old friends and made new ones

- I bought myself a car (of course, FIESTA :)

- I got involved in some small “projects” at NG

- I was Conference Manager for RTS (one of the greatest AIESEC conferences I ever attended)

- I started CAE preparation courses

- I played paintball again (I really like it)

- I got involved in different projects at work

- ... I think there are others but right now don’t come into my mind

In a few hours a new year will start. It’s strange that for the first time in many years I don’t know what I will do. I don’t have big plans. There are things that I want but no concrete things to do. I’ll have to think and make my “Wish” list. I want to stay positive and hope that the things I want will come true.


Zoli ZzZ said...

e sfarsitul unui alt inceput
la multzi ani fericiti alaturi de cei dragi !!!
ce ma ajuta pe mine in momentele astea e "rabdarea si sperantza"; cand inca nu stiu ce imi va aduce anu/anii urmatori.

Anonymous said...

Aceasta tema este pur si simplu fara pereche:), este foarte interesant pentru mine:P Bravo !! vreau sa mai vad in continuare discutii pe tema asta!