Thursday, June 08, 2006

Change comes from within you alone

It’s June,a nice month in general but now because it’s raining a lot and because I have to study for my exams I don’t like it that much. During the last few days when I was not studying or having EB Meeting or planning all the things I have to do in the next 3 months, I thought why am I doing all this stuff. I’m not sure I found the right answer but at least I know some of the reasons. One of them is that I want to change something around me and about me. In order to change something around I need to change myself because Change comes from within you alone. So, I will change some things about me this year. Some of the things that can help me change are related to AIESEC, some are related to university and some with my personal life. Some of them are realy clear into my mind, some are just ideas that I must see how to put them in practice but anyway I’m making myself a promise and I do my best to keep it.

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