Monday, June 29, 2009

Surprised but also dissapointed

It is said that one discovers his/her true friends when deals with problems, because it is then when true friends stay by ones side. Well sometimes it does not even get there till you discover who your true friends really are. It hurts to see that people who you have worked with and who you have considered friends, don’t care about you anymore, forget the time that has passed and the things that you once had in common are liked washed away in their minds. I am disappointed to realize this, maybe I should have seen it before.

Surprisingly people in which you did not invested that much, people with you whom you did not keep in contact for long time, prove to be the ones who really care about you, the ones who are by your side and are willing to sacrifice their time to help you in need. I’m happy there are such people in my life and I’m willing to invest more in these friendships.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Aha moments

It has been a while since I took some time just for myself, just to think and do nothing. Sometimes we speak to much and we don't listen. Peole like to speak, talk about their problems and explain what they think but we forget an important aspect. We have 2 ears and just one mouth - and this is for a reason.

When you don't speak you can hear your thoughts and have some great AHA moments.

Today's AHA moments:

- sometimes we lose things, in order to appreciate their true value

- truth hurts, it hurts when you tell others what you really think about them but also when others say what they really think about you (especially if they are right and you know that)

- being independent is not the same with being free

I knew these things before but tonight it's like they were set deep inside my mind.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Enjoying life again

Sometimes even if big dreams come true you can not enjoy them at the maximum. Why? I was thinking about this lately because many good things happened to me and I couldn’t enjoy them. I found the answer. I have the tendency on focusing on the problems, on the things that don’t go very well or as I want, and not see the good things around me. I don’t want to do that any more, I want to enjoy life as it is with good and bad, take the good out of each experience.
I’m starting again to enjoy a walk in the park, to enjoy talking to my friends, to enjoy an ice cream on a Sunday afternoon, to enjoy Saturday and Sunday mornings at NG, to enjoy watching TV and reading a book, to enjoy life.