Tuesday, July 04, 2006

One of the best conferences

This weekend I attended a great conference, Train the Trainers. Before going there many people from my LC told me that TTT was for them a great experience. Since I joined AIESEC I attended a few and I thought it will be just like the other ones. But it turned out to be different, starting from the knowledge and the things I found there and getting to the wonderful people I meet.
I had the opportunity to facilitate and be trainer in my LC but back then I didn't know very much about this. In this conference I found out a lot of things, tips&tricks that I want to apply and improve. Also it was a great networking experience, because we were not so many people and we had to share the room, the bathroom and the food.
There have been 4 great days and I am sorry they are over but I know I've learned a lot and all these things will help on my way to the top. Regarding the people I won 30 new friends which I hope I will see again, if not at least keep in touch on the internet.

1 comment:

alexandru toma said...

TTT Tilisca Sibiu 30.06.2006-3.07.2006 one of the best conferences ever.

Amazing People
Amazing location
Great Externals :)

Good luck Hermina! Hope we will meet at the Next conference as facilitators:)