Saturday, November 03, 2007

Still part of AIESEC

Remember my last post?
When I was feeling like an alumni?
Well that started to change. I decided to do more things in AIESEC and getting more involved. I attended a project organized by AIESEC TgMures (Learn IT) it's true here I was just a participant but still it was nice. Afterwards I was chair for 2 Big Pictures organized by AIESEC TgMures :) and participant at the third one :)
I also went to Craiova and helped them with the interviews for the new members. It was a great experience to see how other LCs organize their recruitment. Comming back I delivered one presentation and one training for the new members in TgMures, attended the best AIESEC party ever (organized for the new members) and started to work for a great event in AIESEC TgMures, Alumni&Partners Night.
This month is going to be full of AIESEC events and I hope it will be great. There is an LTS waiting for me in Olanesti with AIESEC Craiova where I'm preparing some trainings, then LTS for AIESEC TgMures and AIESEC Cluj where I hope I will be able to go at least for the weekend, Alumni&Partners Night and last but not least NPS (there conference I always wanted to attend and now I'm finally going to be there as facilitator)

There are great moments ahead, everything looks bright for the moment, hope the grey clouds will stay only on the sky and not in my life
Waiting for the future

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